
     I'm writing this blog to help friends save money on their meals everyday, but also to help me keep on track myself.  I'll post recipes that are cheap and hopefully taste good.  I'm also going to keep a running total of how much money you can save. 
     After each recipe I'll give the cost per serving that I paid to make the meal.  I'll try to keep everyone up to date on grocery sales in the Madison area that I'm using to keep the cost down.
     I checked out some other sites that have a concept close to the same but they all focused more on making fancy meals cheap, I am going to focus on the cost and making them healthy when possible.  One thing I did notice is that all the other sites have really nice pics of the food.  So I'm starting my first contest for the blog.  Make on of my recipes and take a picture.  Then send it to me, the best pic gets your photo posted with the recipe and credit under any name you want.


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