"I want to be rich" is great as a daydream, but it sucks as a goal.  Goals really only to meet 3 criteria.  A goal needs to be specific "i want to be a millionaire" works.  It needs a timeline "tomorrow" uummm ok.  And it needs to be realistic "not tomorrow".  Your goals can be about anything, I want to lose weight, I want to improve my marriage, I want to go on vacation or whatever.  The same principals still apply.  But I'm writing this about saving money so we will stick with the millionaire.  Five years is a long time for a goal so we need to break it down a little.  Set an amount of money you want to save every week (or every two weeks if that is when you get paid).  Just keep in mind that number may not be the same every week, bills rent ect come in at different times of the month.  For me I have money that is taken out of each check that I never see and try to forget about and set my goals above that.  I also review how I did when i get each paycheck.

     For me the best tool is that I play "would I rather" with myself.  Would I rather have a big house or a Big Mac.  It is the little things each day that keep you from your goals.  The trip through the drive thru or the movie channel you never watch may feel like they are to small to matter but they add up over time.  Reaching your goal is done in baby steps, each step may not feel like much but before you know it you have traveled a long way down the road.  You just need to decide with each decision is it the road to my dreams or the road to the poor house.  If you start playing "would I rather" now, before you know it the decisions that fit with what you want will happen with out any thought.  Good luck and when you are rich I want a really nice birthday gift.


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