Have fun with it
I am doing this mostly about saving money, but that doesn't mean it has to feel like a chore. You can cook with someone you love, make it a date night every night (thanks for the inspiration Christian and Jennifer). Talk about your day, day dream together about how you will spend the money you are saving,tell the person you are with how great their butt looks from all the healthy eating, convince yourselves the weird thing your kid is doing is "just a phase". Basically just BE TOGETHER and enjoy the quality time.
If you are cooking alone that's great too.... crank the tunes, watch cat videos, or listen to an audio book or podcast. I don't care what you are into there is an audio book or a pod cast about it. Want to feel good about the world, watch videos of military personal surprising their families (the one where the guy dresses as Captain America to surprise his son is great). Want a promotion, listen to a podcast about the industry you work in. Wanna just have fun and laugh like an idiot, there are lots of stand up comedian videos out there (check out Abbott and Castillo doing "who's on first" the long version kills me).
Basically just enjoy the time, there is something out there you have been wanting to learn or see and never get around to. While you are cooking is a great time to do it. Just be sure to watch what you are doing... no point in saving all this money just to spend it on a doctor visit because you laughed so hard that you cut your finger not the onion.
sounds fun