Bacon Mac and Cheese Pizza

Bacon Mac and Cheese Pizza

     I tried a couple slices of mac and cheese pizza from a local pizza place and thought "hhmm, i could do this better and a lot cheaper".  The smokey bacon in the mac and cheese puts this recipe over the top.  You are not going to find this recipe on any diet websites but sometimes you need to splurge.

     I get my pizza dough from a pizza delivery place in my neighborhood, most are really cool about selling you a ball of dough for a dollar or two.  Being up front has worked for me at every place I have asked, I just tell them I want to make pizza at home and I came to them because I like the crust on their pizza.


1 ball of pizza dough
6 slices of bacon
3 tablespoons of flour
2 cups dry elbow macaroni
2 cups milk 
2 cups shredded cheddar cheese
3 slices american cheese
black pepper
sriracha (optional)

     Start by cooking up the pasta (feel free to use any pasta you like,  shells work good too) according to the package instructions.  While the pasta is cooking lets get started on the bacon, you can cut up the bacon before you cook it or crumble it up after, either way works.  Be sure to keep an eye on your pasta and when its done drain it and set it aside.  When you finish the bacon set that aside too, I usually just put it in the bowl I'm keeping the pasta in.  Drain all but 3 tablespoons of oil from the pan you cooked the bacon in and add the flour to the bacon grease.  Cook the flour in the bacon grease for 4-5 minutes stirring frequently.  Now add your milk to the pan with the flour and stir it up.  Once that is mixed together add the cheeses and mix until they are all melted together.  Next mix in the pasta and bacon add the black pepper to taste..  At this point you have a really good bacon mac and cheese.

     Now take your pizza dough and spread it out on a greased baking sheet.  Spread the bacon mac and cheese over the top and pop it in the oven.  If you ae using a store bought pizza dough follow the baking instructions, if you are using dough from a local place preheat your oven to 400 degrees and start checking it after 8 minutes.  Cooking time will vary based on the type and thickness of the crust, but after the first time you make this you wil have a feel for the time that's right for you.  Kick it up a notch by drizzling sriracha on the top when it comes out of the oven.  Enjoy!!

Running total

The price on this came in a lot lower than i expected.  Five servings is only $.81 and I think it is something you can get the kids excited about.  Really, what kids isn't going to get excited about mac and cheese and pizza, two kiddie favs.
This meal $0.81

Running total $42.76


  1. Good recipes im going to try this one for the girls! Jullie

    1. I have a really good greek pizza on my list of things to add so be sure you get in good with the people you get the dough from, you might need it a lot:00


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