Find What Makes You Happy

Find What Makes You Happy

     I got thinking about this because a friend from work just retired.  Dale was known for driving the worst junker cars ever, and he was the first one to make jokes about it.  One of his favorite things to do was make up a picnic basket and take his wife to listen to the free classical music concerts in the park.  But he also liked his Crown Royal, which cost a lot more than my miller lite.  So I told him I had a project for him on his last day at work.  I told him to forget about going around and saying goodbye to everyone, and that he needed to park himself at a desk and make a list of everyone that had teased him about his cars.  Then on his first day of retirement call everyone on that list and ask how they liked getting up for work this morning.  Yes I do have an evil streak.

     The point is he found what made him happy.  He didn't worry about having the newest most expensive car.  And if the car is the thing that makes you happy then look at your budget to see where you are just spending to impress others so you can get a faster more expensive car when its time.  Find what makes you happy and skimp on the stuff you don't really care about.



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