What is the Point

What is the Point

     We have been getting a lot of new viewers so I just wanted to let everyone know what my blog is about and what is going on.  I write this to help myself and others save money and work towards their personal goals.  The recipes are a way to save money and still enjoy your meals everyday.  But I think the hardest part of saving for anyone is staying motivated.  To help keep you, and myself, on track I wrote the little blurbs like this.  These are mostly from my personal life, both areas where I see myself slipping and things that I notice that help me keep going.  

     I think the running total at the end of each recipe is the best motivator.  The running total is based on the savings verses getting a $5.00 value meal.  I use this as a bench mark because it is easy to hit the drive thru and Think that only spending $5.00 is no big deal, but its the little things that add up.  Most people don't go broke in one big chunk it is the little bites out of your pay check that add up over time.  The total for each meal is one serving for one person for that meal, and the running total is if you had made each meal one time for one person.  If you adjust the savings to your personal situation you can see how much faster your savings grow, for example a family of four would multiply the savings times four.  A friend told me he has the overnight oats everyday for lunch at work.  He adds berries and bananas and stuff for a little variety everyday so let say the takes the price up to $0.25 a serving.  If he sticks to this everyday for a whole year the savings would be $1,733.75 a year.  That is a huge savings and its money going out that you never think about.

    So this is why I do it, I know for me it is already making a big difference and I hope I am helping others do the same.  Just keep you goals in mind and be thoughtful of where you money goes and you can get to where you want to go.

     Coming soon, I have a greek pizza, turkey chili, loaded sweet potato fries and a classic pot roast on the list of recipes I want to do.  I also want to get some low calorie recipes up because summer is coming and you can't hide your winter weight under a parka in July.  So keep checking back and I will do my best to keep it exciting and tasty. 


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