Drink Your Water

Drink Your Water

     We have all heard we need to drink 8 glasses of water a day.  There are a ton of health benefits from drinking enough water.  The trick to sticking to your budget is drinking the right water.  The cost of bottled water is 300 times the cost of tap water.  That's 300 times not just 300%, that means for every bottle of water you buy you could have 300 bottles of tap water.  That is 37.5 days of water verses bottle.

     I know there are reasons people love their bottled water.  The bottles are convenient, but there are really cool bottles for water out there that are convenient and just look better.  Look around a little and I'm sure you can find a bottle with a picture or phrase that fits your personality much better then the water company logo.

     Not every community has great tasting tap water.  Not a problem, I use a pitcher with a filter.  I think the pitcher system is much more convenient that bottled water.  You can refill your new stylish water bottle any time you want with nice cold water.  And you can use the water from the pitcher for cooking and your coffee in a flash. 

     60 million water bottles end up in land fills and incinerators everyday in America, and 22 billion last year.  That is just a crazy amount of trash being generated everyday that could easily be avoided.  I have said before, I'm not a hardcore eco-warrior by any stretch, but there are some things that are to easy to not do.

  Ok, lets get to some good stuff about water.  The health benefits of water are pretty wide ranged and kinda cool.  First of all it helps your kidneys function better.  This one is a no brainer, the kidneys are filtering bad stuff out of your body, the less concentrated the bad stuff is the easier their job is.  Drinking more water can also help reduce headaches and muscle cramps caused by dehydration.  Less pain is always a good thing.  Water also makes your skin look better, with the amount of money people spend on face creams, moisturizers and make-up on the outside of their skin to make it look better drinking water to make it look better from the inside just makes sense.

     Early to bed may make you healthy wealthy and wise, but drinking your 8 glasses of water a day the right way will make you healthy wealthy and sexy.  Lets be honest, isn't sexy a lot more fun than wise anyway?


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